24 July 2008

Beautification Day 2008 - Saturday, 23 Aug 2008

Eastern SHS JROTC has registered as a volunteer to support DCPS Beautification Day at Eastern SHS.
We are writing to extend an invitation to you in hopes you'll join in and help us on Saturday, August 23, 2008, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm . Eastern SHS' motto is  "The Pride of Capitol Hill". Your support will be a tremendous boost in "sprucing up" Eastern as we prepare for the first day of school. Some of the tasks include picking up trash and debris, planting flowers, and painting exterior doors.
Please email or call me if you'll be able to help us at this event. We look forward to seeing you on August 23rd!
Best regards,
Les Broadway
LTC (R), Senior Army Instructor
Cell phone: 202-640-2512

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